We assess and treat the following condition at FuncPhysio Physical Therapy NY
At FuncPhysio, we take a comprehensive approach to treating the entire body, not just focusing on specific illnesses or injuries. So even if you’re not sure which specialist to see or if you’re experiencing general discomfort or fatigue, please don’t hesitate to visit us. It’s not possible to accurately identify problems with the entire body by just looking at the affected area, regardless of the type of illness. We’ll listen to your story in detail, perform appropriate tests if necessary, and propose the most necessary treatment for you. Physiotherapy may seem daunting for many people, but in the United States, you can visit facilities such as chiropractic clinics, conditioning salons, and beauty therapy clinics that are no different from the osteopathic clinics and physical therapy clinics you commonly see in Japan. We accept not only many types of insurance in the United States but also travel insurance and credit card damage insurance, so please feel free to consult us even if you’re not sure if your symptoms are worth discussing.
Symptoms frequently treat at FuncPhysio
Body area | Symptoms, but not limited |
Head/Jaw | Headaches, Tempromandibular disorder (TMD), dizziness, Dysautonomia, Bell’s palsy |
Neck/Cervical Spine | Neck pain, stiff neck, strained muscles, limited range of motion, nerve root compression (due to stenosis, herniated disc) symptoms (pain and numbness spreading to neck, chest, shoulders, upper back and arms, oblique neck, headaches from neck pain, straight neck, vocal cord and voice problems (vocal cord, recurrent nerve palsy, vocal cord inflammation) |
Shoulder | Shoulder stiffness, shoulder pain, frozen shoulder, baseball shoulder, rehabilitation after surgery (rotator cuff injury, labral joint injury, SLAP injury, etc.), impingement syndrome, rotator cuff problems, dislocation, anterior instability of shoulder joint (subluxation) |
Elbow/Wrist | Golf elbow(medial epicondylitis), tennis elbow(lateral epicondylitis), baseball elbow, tendonitis (de Quervain’s disease, spring toe), pain and limitation of movement due to rheumatism, Dupuytren’s contracture, rehabilitation after fracture, carpal tunnel syndrome, nerve strangulation, sprain and strain |
Ribs/Thoracic spine | Thoracic outlet syndrome, breathing problems, postoperative rehabilitation (breast cancer, open chest surgery, back surgery, etc.), scoliosis, rib fractures and cracks, back tension |
Low back, pelvis, sacroiliac joints | Low back pain (e.g., hips, chronic low back pain), nerve root compression (due to slippage, stenosis, herniated disc) symptoms (pain, numbness, stabbing pain, weakness, radiating pain related to the lower back and knees), sciatica, spondylolisthesis, postoperative rehabilitation, muscle tension |
Pelvis and pelvic floor muscles | Leakage (urinary incontinence), fecal incontinence, pelvic distortion, core muscle problems, postural problems, prenatal and postpartum care, menstrual pain, pubic bone pain, sacroiliac joint pain |
Hip | Decreased range of motion, hip pain, postoperative rehabilitation (joint labrum injury, hip replacement, etc.), acetabular dysplasia, osteoarthritis, arthritis, sciatica, bursitis |
Knee | Knee pain (arthritis, fasciitis, meniscus injury, bursitis), growing pains (Osgood’s disease), postoperative rehabilitation (artificial joint replacement, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, meniscus injury, etc.), sprains and strains (ligament injuries), osteoarthritis, chronic knee disorders due to sports |
Foot/Ankle | Sprains, rehabilitation after fractures, postoperative rehabilitation (fractures, bunions, ligament reconstruction, etc.), flat feet, chronic foot disorders, plantar fasciitis, club foot, fatigue fractures, foot swelling, heel pain |
Abdominal region | Abdominal distention, abdominal wall reflex, constipation, indigestion |
Neurological issues | Dysautonomia, post-stroke disability rehabilitation, post-brain injury rehabilitation |
PRI:Postural Restoration Institute
symmetrical and instead assumes that the body is asymmetrical in nature. Based on this assumption, PRI considers the body’s function and devises treatment methods. According to Ron, the left and right sides of the body are asymmetrical in the nervous system, respiratory system, circulatory system, musculoskeletal system, visual system, etc., and each side has its own responsibility, function, and demand. He believes that this asymmetrical design of the human body is fantastic and that the body maintains balance by integrating these imbalances in the systems. The imbalance in this balance is considered to be the root cause of physical discomfort and symptoms in the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, visceral system, and musculoskeletal system. Therefore, the restoration of balance is fundamental to treatment.
FuncPhysio is the only PRI certified physical therapy clinic in Manhattan with PRC (Postural Restoration Certified) therapists on staff. Only a few clinics in the United States have received this certification, and FuncPhysio receives treatment inquiries from various parts of the country.
Examples of patient symptoms of Postural Restoration (PRI: Postural Restoration Institute) treatment inquiries:
- Breathing disorders
- TMJ (jaw pain)
- Headache
- difficulty breathing
- Loss of articulation (inability or difficulty speaking)
- Panic disorder
- Scoliosis
- Pelvic floor muscle problems
- Pelvic misalignment
- Chronic physical problems
- Sports disorders (soccer, baseball, golf, tennis, volleyball, running, etc.)
- Autonomic nerve assertion disorders
- Dizziness
- Digestive disorders
- Abdominal bloating
- Constipation
- Chest pain (not internal organ disease)
- Pain around the shoulder blades
- Autonomic ataxia
FMT:Functional Manual Therapy
FMT: Functional Manual Therapy is an innovative treatment concept in physical therapy based on manual therapy. It is a completely new treatment method created by Greg and Vicky Johnson, founders of the Institute of Physical Art, based on the concept of PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation). FMT is a completely new treatment method based on the concept of PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation).
FMT uses a holistic diagnosis of the body’s movement to determine the movement disorder that is causing the pain and the dysfunction that is the source of the pain. These problems are then corrected step by step through manual therapy. Specifically, the first step is to improve joints and soft tissues, including muscles, nerves, fascia, skin, and ligaments, and to restore efficient movement. Second, neuromuscular training is used to improve specific muscle control, strength, and endurance. Finally, the brain’s motor control is rewritten and improved to promote efficient body movement.
FMT is not only effective in restoring the functions necessary for daily living, but also in restoring and improving motor function at a very high level, such as in sports and dance.
Physical therapists who have mastered this FMT are certified as CFMT (Certified Functional Manual Therapist). Although there are more than 200,000 physical therapists in the United States, the FMT certification exam is extremely difficult, and only about 500 therapists (CFMTs) are certified. Only a few are available in New York City, and even fewer in the Manhattan area.
Women’s Health/Pelvic Health
The field of women’s health has developed to address women’s unique concerns, problems, illnesses, and prenatal and postpartum support throughout the stages of life, including puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. It is also recognized as an established medical field within Physical Therapy, where specially trained and nationally certified physical therapists work with obstetricians and gynecologists to address women’s specific concerns. FuncPhysio is one of the few clinics in Manhattan and New York City to have an American Physical Therapy Association-certified women’s health specialist*. In Japan, there are only a few clinics that offer physical therapy services, so women who are unsure of where to turn to for help, or who are wondering if they are allowed to consult with a physical therapist, are able to find a clinic that can help them. In the U.S., women come to Physical Therapy clinics for consultation. At FuncPhysio, our specially trained therapists help women with their unique concerns.
*WCS: Board Certified Women’s Health Clinical Specialist
Examples of Treatment Symptoms
- Prenatal and postpartum care
- Infertility treatment (in collaboration with a specialist)
- Rectus Abdominis Dissection
- Pelvic organ prolapse
- Postpartum rehabilitation (treatment of painful perineal incisions and C-section scars)
- Pain during intercourse
- Sexual dysfunction
- Arousal/orgasm pain
- Anorgasmia
- Persistent arousal disorder
- Urinary incontinence (leakage) and fecal incontinence (leakage)
- Constipation
- Pain during defecation
- Bloating and poor control of bowel movements
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Urinary frequency/urgency
- Sacroiliac joint pain
- Pain of the pubic bone and pubic symphysis
- Pelvic pain
- Endometriosis pain
- Interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome
- Tailbone pain/tailbone pain
- Pain during urination
- Pain during defecation
- Pubic neuralgia
- Vulvar and vestibular pain
- Outlet dysfunction
In order to provide comprehensive, holistic treatment, we offer acupuncture and massage in addition to manual therapy, exercise therapy, behavioral therapy, and laser therapy (affiliated with Manhattan PT Acupuncture PLLC).
The body is an unknown entity, and even with the development of Western medicine, there are still many things that are not fully understood. The Eastern medicine concept of balancing the body to heal and prevent injury and disease is part of Funk Physio’s services. We use Japanese needles, which are painless, and you will receive treatment from an acupuncturist who has experience treating patients in Japan.
In addition, those who have been to acupuncture treatment in Japan and there is no place in the U.S. or New York that provides Japanese acupuncture
Laser Treatment:MLS ®️ Laser Therapy(Class IV, Cold Laser)
The innovative and patented Multiwave Locked System (MLS) Therapy Laser was developed in an effort to produce an efficient and simultaneous effect on pain, inflammation, and edema, exceeding the limits of traditional LLLT (low power) and concerns of HP (high power) laser therapy. The innovative and patented Multiwave Locked System (MLS) Therapy Laser was developed in an effort to produce an efficient and simultaneous effect on pain, inflammation, and edema, exceeding the limits of traditional LLLT (low power) and concerns of HP (high power) laser therapy. MLS technology delivers therapeutic wavelengths, 808nm (anti-edemic and anti-inflammatory) and 905nm (analgesic). An energetic synergy is created when delivering these wavelengths that produces greater anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects than either can produce on its own, while minimizing the risk of thermal damage. It is this unique combination and synchronization of continuous and pulsed emissions that characterizes MLS and distinguishes it from other Class IV lasers. Unlike early-generation Class IV technology, MLS Laser Therapy has the capability to deliver controlled laser energy. This unique feature provides more accurate therapeutic dose delivery, which means consistent and repeatable results.
Pactitioners report that MLS Laser Therapy effectively treats pain and inflammation associated with the following conditions:
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Neuromas
- Neuropathies
- Arthritis
- Sports injuries
- Tendon & ligament injuries
- Back & joint pain
- Muscle sprains & strains
- Tendonitis
- Wounds
- Post-surgical swelling
- Disc disease
COVID-19 Pneumonia: COVID-19 Pneumonia Patient Shows Significant Improvements Following Laser Treatment at Massachusetts Hospital
Please visit https://celasers.com/medical/ for more information
One session (20-30min) $75
Package of 6 sessions: $390 with $60 discount
Package of 12 sessions: $750 with $150 discount